Jon Akin Leaving B21 for NAMB

  I was blessed to be able to work with brothers that I love to create Baptist21. Our purpose from the beginning was to engage younger Baptists in convention life, and I think in many ways, we have been able to do that. When we started almost a decade ago there were very little venues at the annual meeting that …

The Upside Down Kingdom of God in Daniel

  The Book of Daniel, among many other things, gives us a clear picture of the upside-down (from our perspective) reality of the Kingdom of God–Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted (Matt. 23:12). For in Daniel we see the most powerful ruler humbled, made to be like a beast, and the kingdom and glory given to …

Beasts from the Sea and the New Adam

Daniel had a prophetic vision of four beasts coming out of the sea (Daniel 7). The beasts stand symbolically for pagan kings or kingdoms. But who were they? Since the visions and dreams of Daniel 2, 7 and 8 are parallel, three of the four beasts were actually named in Daniel. The first beast was Babylon as named by Daniel …

Who Is My Neighbor – The Refugee/Immigrant Edition

  With all of the heated conversations I’ve  heard concerning immigration and the refugee crisis (often brought to the forefront by this election cycle), I’ve been constantly reminded of the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus tells in Luke 10:25–37. As Christians we have to be careful to think about these issues biblically, first and foremost not as an American or Republican/Democrat, …

Plundering and Temple-Building

When the people of Israel had been in slavery in Egypt, God used Moses to rescue them and return them to their homeland. That event was called the “Exodus.” However, the Old Testament prophesied that Israel would sin against God, once again end up captives outside the land, and then God would perform a “New Exodus” where he freed them …

Read The Bible Like A Mystery Novel

  When I talk with pastors about Christ-centered interpretation and preaching, I’m often told, “I resonate with what you’re saying, but I don’t know how to do it. I was never trained to read the Bible or preach it like that. How can I do it?” Obviously the answer to that question is complex and takes time, but there is …