2019 Baptist 21 Panel
Birmingham, AL

The 2019 Baptist 21 Panel will take place in June 2019 at the Southern Baptist Convention in Birmingham, Alabama. Each year at our panel we have gathered around open dialogue with key leaders in the SBC about the most pressing issues in our convention, churches, and evangelicalism. Panelists for this year include:
- Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Jen Wilkin, Author and Bible Teacher
- Dhati Lewis, Vice President of Send Network
- Russell Moore, President, of The Ethics and Riligious Liberty Commission
- J. D. Greear, President of the Southern Baptist Convention
- Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Early bird tickets are available until May 14 for $13. They will increase to $16 until sold out. Tickets include admission to the panel, a boxed lunch, and a loaded bag of free books.