New York City is perhaps the most influential city in the world. The opportunity and the need to see gospel transformation in that city through church planting is enormous.
Baptist21 continues its series highlighting church planting partnerships and opportunities within the SBC with SendNYC. SendNYC exists “to see 100 gospel-centered churches planted in the New York City area by December 2020.”
Aaron Coe, their executive director, was kind enough to give B21 some answers to some important questions so that you might prayerfully consider getting involved with SendNYC and impacting that Great City:
Why urban church planting?
It’s no surprise that we are living in the midst of a global population shift. Unfortunately, as many have relocated to the cities to follow the dream, the church has retreated. Cities are the mouthpiece of any nation and the place where culture is created. If the gospel of Jesus is going to spread around the world in the 21st century, urban centers will be its launching pad. We, the church, must move back and live our lives seeking the peace and prosperity of the city.
How does SendNYC fit the need?
In an effort to engage this reemerging conversation, I launched SendNYC, a church planting organization, for the sole purpose of seeing one hundred new gospel-centered churches planted in New York City over the next decade. Multiplicative church planting continues to prove to be the most effective, biblical evangelization strategy aiding leadership, fostering community amongst believers, promoting urban contextualization, and assimilating new believers.
What is the vision of SendNYC?
The vision of SendNYC embodies three components:
Mobilize 300 Partners to pray; participate, anything from short-term mission trips to lifetime relocation; and provide.
Equip 100 Sending Churches to fully execute the process of launching new congregations in New York City. Rather than working primarily with church planters, we will focus a good portion of our energy to equip the sending church to support the church plant in a variety of ways from laying a biblical foundation to financial accountability.
Plant 100 New Gospel-centered Churches in New York City. We firmly believe that churches plant churches, and we desire simply to serve as a catalyst to that end. As resident missiologists, we intend to help the local church be on mission in New York City.
How to connect:
Discover NYC
Catch the vision, and discover your role in church planting in the City.
Sept 30-Oct 1, 2010
Holiday Inn, Long Island City, Queens
To register or for additional info:
If you are interested in planting in NYC and want more info check this page out:
For further information on visiting, partnering, or to contact us, go to
To keep up with the daily ins and outs, check out and follow @aaronbcoe on Twitter.
Baptist21 is excited about what SendNYC is doing to eternally impact that great city. Some of the things we love best are:
- The determination to impact such an influential city with such a great need.
- The focus on allowing local churches to drive the planting. If you are a local church pastor who is looking to lead your congregation to plant churches in places that really need them, then please contact Aaron.