The B21 panel at SBC 2015 is fast approaching. We are pumped about our all star lineup of panelists who will be with us: H.B. Charles, David Platt, Al Mohler, Russell Moore, and Danny Akin. Your ticket to our panel includes lunch, a ton of free books, and a guarantee that your Tuesday lunch at the SBC will be well-spent with key leaders in our convention engaging in needed conversation on difficult issues. Come join us! You can register here.
At B21 we are proud of being pastor-led, and we want to always promote open dialogue on the difficult and pressing issues concerning our convention and churches. With both of these things together it means that we, and our panelists, aren’t afraid to ask and discuss the tough questions. At this year’s panel we’ll tackle issues like future of the IMB, race relations in America, cultural engagement and marriage, future of theological education, current trends in church growth, etc.
Coming to the panel? Or, are you just interested in winning free stuff? Give us a metaphorical hand by getting the word out about our panel, and we’ll help you out by entering you into a no-strings-attached drawing for free stuff.
- If you mention @baptist21 with a link to our panel registration page, or retweet someone that has, you will be automatically entered in a drawing with a chance to win one of two $50 gift cards to Amazon.
- If you tweet/mention/retweet AND come to the panel, you will be entered with a chance to win an Apple Watch.
We’re not looking to get anything from you or harvest your contact info; we’re just a group of pastors who likes no-strings-attached free stuff ourselves. Help us get the word out on the twitterverse, and it just might be your lucky day…