Dr. David Platt is the Senior Pastor of the Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Al. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (A.B.J.) from the University of Georgia, and a Master of Divinity (M.Div.), Master of Theology (Th.M.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He has previously served at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary as Dean of Chapel and Assistant Professor of Expository Preaching and Apologetics.
In this interview, Pastor Platt addresses several issues. He tells us briefly of his testimony and his surrendering to vocational ministry. He tells us about his private study life in prayer and scripture memory (he has memorized large portions of Scripture, check out his sermon at SBTS where he quoted Romans 1-8). He speaks to the pitfalls and challenges of being a 30-year old Pastor. He tells b21 about his passion for missions and how he challenges the Church at Brook Hills to be involved in missions. In addition, he addresses powerful biblical preaching and how he laid the groundwork for being able to challenge his people. David also addresses why he is a Southern Baptist and some of the things he thinks we should focus on to address some of the issues in the Southern Baptist Convention. Finally, he tells b21 about the books and people that have been influential in his life.
If you are unfamiliar with his ministry and his preaching then we at b21 would highly recommend checking it out. He is a phenomenal preacher of God’s Word, we would probably label him as one of the best and certainly one of the young up and coming preachers in the SBC. God is blessing his ministry as Brook Hills is growing and sees weekly attendance of over 4,000 people. More than being a dynamic preacher and leader, David is a man of God. It is hard to be around him long and not understand that his life is radically shaped by the gospel. Our younger audience especially would do well to learn spiritual development and humility from him. He displays a radical devotion to Christ and urgency for the nations and the glory of God. He is one of our favorites, check out this podcast and check out his preaching at SBTS (Great Commission Lectures), SEBTS (from Job on Suffering and the Gospel), and his church.
In addition check out a video interview at SBTS.