Over the next couple of weeks Baptist21 will be extending video segments from helpful conversations held at this year’s Southern Baptist Convention. Stay tuned to hear key leaders address some of the hot issues facing today’s life and ministry.
Today we look back at a helpful discussion led by Andrew Walker from the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. In this video Walker talks to B21’s own Jed Coppenger and Jon Akin about how young pastors address/engage cultural issues from the pulpit. Listen in as these pastors talk about how young pastors should address issues such as sexual ethics, sanctity of life, politics, etc. with both boldness and kindness to this generation.
B21 is pumped about the ERLC National Conference coming up on Oct. 27-29. Entitled “The Gospel, Homosexuality, and the Future of Marriage,” this conference features leading evangelical voices joining together to equip Christians to apply the gospel on these issues with convictional kindness in their communities, their families and their churches. Make this conference a priority for your personal life as well as public ministry. You can register here.
B21 would also like to thank the Cooperative Program for hosting such pertinent, timely, and engaging discussions at their convention booth. They have made all of their video sessions available for free online. Make sure you avail yourself of these great resources!