3 High-Risk Property Areas You Must Consider for Church Safety 

By Megan Cuzen, Director of Agency Customer Experience at GuideStone

Some things don’t mix — wired microphones and baptistries, concrete surfaces and playgrounds, and poor lighting in parking lots. High-risk areas of your church demand extra attention to protect your ministry and people from injuries, crimes and lawsuits. Maximize church safety with a closer look at steps you can take to safeguard three high-risk areas of your property. 

1. The Church Baptistry

Your church baptistry provides a place for believers to publicly profess their faith in Christ. Because water poses unique risks, it requires a high degree of caution so that you and your congregation can safely enjoy those special moments. Take precautions to prevent:  

  • Extreme temperatures: Monitor temperatures to avoid water that is too hot or cold. Check the temperature the morning of a baptism and again right before the ceremony to make sure it hasn’t changed. 
  • Drowning: Cover the baptistry securely when not in use. Supervise children and others while the tank contains water. Drain the tank promptly after the service. 
  • Electrocution: Avoid using wired sound equipment. Instead, use a wireless microphone. Only use a heater designed for water use, have it professionally installed and inspect it regularly.  
  • Injuries: Prevent falls with handrails and no-slip surfaces on stairs and walkways. 
  • Water damage: An overflowing baptistry can cause water damage to floors, walls and equipment. Monitor the water level closely while the tank is filling. Inspect pipes periodically. 
  • Mold: Drain and clean the tank after baptisms. Do not allow used water to sit for long periods.  

2. The Church Playground

Slides, swings and spinners — the church playground is where children explore, grow imaginations and build friendships. Ensure that your playground is a safe space for this to happen with the following church safety tips:

  • Surface materials: Use acceptable surface materials (such as woodchips, crumb rubber, engineered wood fiber, sand, mulch or pea gravel) to cushion falls.
  • Surface areas: Ensure that surfacing extends a minimum of 6 feet in all directions from play equipment. Extend safe surfacing further for in front of and behind swings by twice the height of the suspending bar.2
  • Hazards: Remove tripping hazards and check for sharp edges or protruding components. Ensure that spaces in equipment that could trap children measure less than 3.5 inches or more than 9 inches.2
  • Inspections: Inspect playground equipment regularly for damage, cracks, rust, loose anchoring, trash and vandalism.3
  • Repairs: Restrict access to equipment that needs repair. Post a sign indicating that the equipment is not in use. 
  • Supervision: During church activities, provide proper supervision by staff or volunteers. 

3. The Church Parking Lot

Parking lots are sometimes overlooked as a property risk, yet the combination of cars and pedestrians can be a dangerous mix. Help churchgoers get safely from their vehicles to your facilities with these tips: 

  • Lighting: Keep the parking lot well-lit for high visibility.
  • Signage: Mark entrances, exits, speed limits and other important information with clear signage. 
  • Crosswalks: Mark crosswalks to help keep pedestrians safe as they travel from their cars to your building. 
  • Accessible parking spaces: Designate parking spaces that comply with accessibility regulations for those with disabilities. 
  • Inspection: Regularly inspect the parking lot for tripping hazards such as rocks, debris and trash. Practice routine maintenance to repair potholes and replace light bulbs as needed. 
  • Handrails: Install handrails near steps and ramps to make navigation easier. 
  • Church video surveillance: Video monitoring can help deter criminals, make your congregation feel safer and assist police in identifying perpetrators. 
  • Landscaping: Minimize shrubs and other landscaping that could serve as a hiding place for criminals.   

Download a free high-risk property checklist  to help decrease risk for your ministry. 

Need help assessing risk at your church?

Church safety extends to other risk areas, including data managementreligious freedomemployment practices, workers’ compensation, commercial auto and more. We understand that it can feel overwhelming to address all these risks on top of your ministry work. That’s why at GuideStone®, we come alongside you in every season in ministry to identify and mitigate risks — so you can focus on the Lord’s calling in your life. For more information, contact us at PCSalesSupport@GuideStone.org or (214) 720-2868, Monday through Thursday, from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT and Friday, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT.

Megan Cuzen is a Certified Risk Manager and a licensed, experienced property and casualty church insurance professional focused on providing exceptional customer service and establishing a long-term protection plan tailored to your ministry’s needs. Megan has served churches through GuideStone® since 2010, is a Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) and was named Brotherhood Mutual’s Rookie of the Year in 2012 and Agent of the Year in 2014. She has a bachelor’s degree in business management and a Master of Business Administration from Henderson State University. Megan is a doctoral candidate at Dallas Baptist University pursuing a Ph.D. in leadership studies. She also actively participates in her church and community by volunteering with a youth tennis association. Megan and her husband, Ben, have been married since 2011 and have two children, Max and Camden. 

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice. Readers should use this article as a tool, along with best judgment and any terms or conditions that apply, to determine appropriate policies and procedures for your church’s risk management program.

GuideStone Property and Casualty® is part of GuideStone Agency Services®, an agency licensed to sell Property and Casualty products in various states and an affiliate of GuideStone Financial Resources®.

