Set the Groundwork for Church Plant Protection from Day 1

Cody Mankin, Director, GuideStone Agency Sales & Business Development 

A church plant ushers in an air of excitement and anticipation. Unfamiliar faces transform into meaningful relationships, event calendars begin the framework for fellowship and hope for a community unfolds. 

What could bring this progress to a halt? An injury. A lawsuit. A fire. A data breach. 

A proactive approach to church protection helps safeguard your ministry from the ground up. The same care you apply to grow a church should also be used to shield it from loss, including financial losses and damaged reputations. 

Protection begins with identifying the hazards that threaten your church plant. Consider these four risks as you establish your ministry. 

1. Injuries 

If someone breaks their arm at a picnic to kick off a church plant, they could sue for the injury — even if it doesn’t happen on your property. 

Liability and excess liability insurance  can help defend you if the pastor, directors, officers, staff or volunteers working in your ministry are sued, whether the suit arises from injury to people or property damage. Coverage typically includes the cost of defending you in court — and any court awards or settlements — up to the limits of your policy. 

2. Attack on Religious Freedom

If your ministry’s tax-exempt status is challenged or a belief-based decision is disputed, the time and cost to defend your church could be substantial. Religious freedom protective coverage pays for: 

  • Legal costs incurred defending against attacks on your ministry’s belief-based decisions and practices.
  • Damages you are legally obligated to pay as the result of the ministry’s religious communications, religious activities or discriminatory acts.
  • Defense cost reimbursements for legal challenges to your ministry’s tax-exempt status.

3. Employer/Employee Disputes (including Sexual Misconduct Allegations)

As your church grows, you may reach a point where you can place pastors and worship leaders on the payroll and hire employees to help with administrative duties and custodial services. 

For example, lawsuits could result if an employee claims they: 

  • Never received access to a benefits program 
  • Suffered sexual harassment
  • Were terminated unfairly

In addition to developing thorough policies to reduce these risks, Employee Practice Liability (EPL) insurance can provide coverage for your defense.

In the same instance, if a volunteer, church member or child experiences sexual harassment, it’s important for this to be reported to the right authorities in accordance with state law.

To help establish or evaluate your abuse prevention and response plan, learn more and download The Essentials: Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response Training curriculum developed by the SBC.

It’s important to implement ongoing sexual harassment and discrimination training so that every employee knows what is considered appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Ensure managers enforce these policies to help prevent incidents and provide appropriate steps for reporting and responding to incidents.   

4. Damage to Property

You may not start with your own building as a church plant. If you rent a space or meet in homes, you may begin to accumulate property such as sound systems, musical instruments and electronics. If equipment is stolen or a power surge knocks out your sound system, property insurance can help replace stolen or damaged items. 

5. Data Breach Lawsuits

As you hire employees, gain church members and accept donations, you may collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII), such as addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, payment information or Social Security numbers. A cyberattack can expose that data and put people at risk for identity theft, which could lead to a lawsuit against your ministry. You can take proactive measures to keep your data safe , plus have cyber liability insurance in place for protection.     

Stand Guard Against All Threats to Your Next Church Plant 

From day one of your church plant, maximize your advancement of the Kingdom of God by reducing risks that could drain your time, finances and energy. At GuideStone®, we come alongside church planters to help you assess risks and determine the right coverage  for your ministry as it grows. For more information, contact us at or (214) 720-2868, Monday through Thursday, from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT and Friday, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT.

Cody Mankin has over a decade of experience in insurance, serving ministries with integrity and skill. Passionate about risk management, he leads his team in creating tailored solutions that help churches thrive, building trust and empowering ministries to pursue their mission with confidence.

He is a proud graduate of Oklahoma State University® with a bachelor’s degree in finance and Dallas Baptist University with an MBA. Since joining GuideStone® in 2014, Cody has combined his professional expertise and personal calling to serve the needs of churches across the nation.

Cody and his wife, Sarah, are blessed with two wonderful boys and are actively involved in their local church and community. Together, they enjoy traveling, raising their sons and building meaningful connections with those around them.

He relies on biblical principles to guide him, which is reflected in his favorite Bible verse: For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9, NKJV). 

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice. Readers should use this article as a tool, along with best judgment and any terms or conditions that apply, to determine appropriate policies and procedures for your church’s risk management program.

GuideStone Property and Casualty® is part of GuideStone Agency Services®, an agency licensed to sell Property and Casualty products in various states and an affiliate of GuideStone Financial Resources®.