No one, in my estimation, has contributed more to the church’s understanding of ecclesiology in the past decade than Dr. Mark Dever. His book, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church has become a staple for the pastor’s library, and his writing continues to deepen understanding for churches across the world as to who the church is and what is its mission.
Dr. Dever earned degrees from Duke University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Philosophy in Ecclesiastical History from Cambridge University. Dr. Dever has served on four pastoral staffs including a church plant in Massachusetts and as associate pastor of Eden Baptist Church in Cambridge. Currently, Dr. Dever serves as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and as the president of 9Marks. Additionally, Dr. Dever is a highly sought-after speaker and teacher at various conferences, ministries, and schools around the world.
Dr. Dever’s books include a historical study entitled Richard Sibbes, and four editions and two foreign language translations of Nine Marks of a Healthy Church. Dr. Dever also edited a collection of historic Baptist documents on ecclesiology entitled Polity: Biblical Arguments on How to Conduct Church Life. In 2005 Crossway published The Deliberate Church – Building Your Ministry on the Gospel, which was co-authored by Dr. Dever and Paul Alexander. Crossway also published Dr. Dever’s sermons on the New and Old Testaments in two volumes, Promises Kept and Promises Made. More recently Crossway has published Dr. Dever’s What is a Healthy Church?, The Gospel and Personal Evangelism and In My Place Condemned He Stood, which was co-authored by Dr. Dever and J.I. Packer.
Finally, through his well-known 9Marks Weekenders and pastoral internship opportunities, Dr. Dever faithfully serves, trains, and disciples current and future pastors in addition to his regular pastoral responsibilities. Dr. Dever, who much prefers “Mark” and always carries his church-membership directory as part of his daily prayer routine, is an excellent model of pastoral leadership, disciple making, Christian humility, and loving God with one’s mind as well as one’s heart and hands.
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