Baptist 21 has been approached by several people asking if we are planning on holding any kind of event at the SBC in Louisville this summer. To be honest that is something we had been considering for the future as a way of getting younger SBCers to and involved in the annual meeting, but we did not realize there would be interest this quickly. Because of the amount of interest shown we are now considering what might be doable at this year’s convention.
If B21 held an event, it would only be for the purposes of getting younger guys to the convention and providing an opportunity for them to connect with each other. What would such an event look like? There might be a couple of speakers who could discuss the topics of getting younger people involved in the SBC, why should folks stay in the SBC, and the future of the SBC. There would also be a panel Q & A made up of 2nd and 3rd generation Southern Baptists (See Steve McKinion’s posts) in current leadership in the SBC or SBC churches. This event may be as modest as a coffee house atmosphere or as large as a conference setting with live music. Baptist 21 would like to know your interest in that kind of an event and what influence it might have on your decision to come to the SBC. Since the crowd for such an event would be made up of Baptist 21 readers and those connected with Baptist 21 readers, we are setting up a poll to see what the interest would be. Please let us know how this might affect you, your friends, and your decisions on whether or not you’d come to the SBC if an event like this was held. The options are available on the side panel at the top of the website.
We hope that many, many younger SBCers will show up this year at the annual meeting and we hope to do our small part in encouraging that to happen. Please leave us your comments below or email us at on any other ideas or things you’d like to see happen with our event