Baptist21 would like to make our readers aware of an upcoming conference discussing Creation Care at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Below is information about the event from the SEBTS Website. This conference promises to identify and discuss some of the major issues surrounding this oft-debated topic.
From Southeastern Conferences Website:
On October 30 and 31, 2009, The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture at Southeastern will host a Creation Care Conference which will examine the current issues related to the care of God’s creation from a Christian worldview. It will provide a forum for clarifying the issues, a theological lens through which to understand and respond to the issues, and encouragement for open discussion. The conference seeks to facilitate a learning experience where Christians can think about their engagement of culture on this matter.
This conference is FREE for all attendees, but please register your attendance.
David Cook
Dr. David Cook is Holmes Professor of Faith and Learning, Wheaton College; Fellow, Green College, Oxford; and Professor of Christian Ethics, Southern Seminary, Louisville. He also serves as an External Fellow for the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture.
Steven Bouma-Prediger
Dr. Steven Bouma-Prediger is a Professor of Religion Chair of the Religion Department of Theology and Ethics at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. He also holds the Jacobson Endowed Chair and directs and teaches in the Environmental Studies program. Prior to coming to Hope, he was an assistant professor of philosophy and chair of the department at North Park College in Chicago, Ill.
Calvin DeWitt
Dr. Calvin Dewitt earned his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in zoology in 1963 and is a passionate conservationist. His love of creation was kindled in his earliest days, and has grown steadily over the years. Dr. Dewitt loves to investigate and to speak about the beauty and importance of creation and the necessity of good environmental stewardship. He represents one of the best, most thoughtful evangelical Christian perspectives on environmental ethics. This perspective emphasizes the primacy of scripture as formative for Christian environmental ethics. Yet, as a serious environmental scientist, DeWitt has a unique ability to bridge the gap between religion and science. DeWitt’s emphasis on the physical and chemical provisions of life exemplifies his commitment to a vibrant science and religion dialogue that includes both biblical wisdom and also the discoveries of modern science. He is the author of Earthwise: A Biblical Response to Environmental Issues (2007).
Lowell “Rusty” Pritchard
Dr. Lowell “Rusty” Pritchard is a resource economist, and is the president and co-founder of Flourish, an environmental stewardship organization that equips churches to care for creation in ways that love God and help people. He was a full-time faculty member at Emory University in Environmental Studies, a program he helped create in 1999, where he maintains an adjunct affiliation. He has taught courses in natural resource economics, environmental institutions, public health, resource use and management, environmental justice, ecological economics, and environmental decision-making under uncertainty. He has given lectures and organized workshops in fifteen countries on five continents. Pritchard has worked with hunter/angler and forestry organizations on developing voluntary, market-based programs for conservation on private agriculture and forestry lands. From 1994 to 1999 he was a program officer with an international global change research program studying the effects of land-use and land-cover changes on the atmospheric system.
See the Schedule, the Topics, and more information about the speakers here.
Register Here (Attendance is FREE, but a registration is needed)