Baptist21 would like to encourage our readers to seriously consider attending an upcoming conference that we believe will be of great benefit to you. Annually, Pastor Johnny Hunt (President of the Southern Baptist Convention) holds a conference for pastors called Timothy+Barnabas. This is a time where you get to rub shoulders with Pastor Johnny and learn about ministry from him. This conference is designed to give you personal interaction with Dr. Hunt and other pastors, as well as rest from the demanding pace of pastoral ministry.
From the conference website, the purpose:
God has given Johnny Hunt a heart for young pastors and a vision to minister to the ones who are hurting or just struggling with the demands of ministry. From that vision the Timothy+Barnabas Ministry was born. The goals of Timothy+Barnabas are…
- To instruct pastors in their responsibilities as the Pastor/Shepherd of the flock God has placed under their care.
- To encourage them in the difficulties they face from inside and outside the Church.
- To challenge them in the area of personal integrity and purity.
- To encourage them to develop relationships with other pastors that they may serve as support to one another.
Founded in 1994, Pastor Johnny explains, “The name Timothy+Barnabas was chosen to speak of instruction and encouragement. I’m not sure that most pastors need a lot more instruction as much as they need encouragement in the instruction they have already received.
Information about the Event: There are two times available for this conference. The first will be held September 16-18 in Atlanta, GA at the Legacy Lodge at Lake Lanier Island, cost $599 per couple, $350 single with roommate. The second will be held September 23-25 in Gatlinburg, TN, cost $399 per couple (DOES NOT INCLUDE LODGING) and $250 per single (DOES NOT INCLUDE LODGING)
Topics to be Discussed:
- “Pastors Real Life” – Pastor Hunt will take a look at some Pastors surveys that indicate marriage problems as well as some personal and professional challenges pastors face.
- “Simple Church” – Eric Geiger will talk about his book and participate in a Q & A with Pastor Hunt.
- “A Discussion about Young Leaders in the SBC and Our Future” – At the conference held in Atlanta (September 16-18) there will be a panel discussion with Pastor Hunt and two of Baptist21’s own, Jonathan and Nathan Akin.
To Register Click Here or for a Brochure with More Information Click Here
A word from Pastor Hunt about the event:
Life at the speed of ministry is exhilarating but it can also be exhausting.
There’s a reason that when He set creation in order, God included a day of rest. He may not have needed it, but He knew we would. We started doing Timothy+Barnabas retreats years ago to give you hard working pastors a much needed break of encouragement and instruction. I’ve found that as pastors we don’t often need the instruction so much as the encouragement. That’s why, at a Timothy+Barnabas Pastors’ retreat, you won’t find yourself simply sititng in a row taking notes from a distant speaker. You’ll be rubbing shoulders with your peers and myself. In the process, not only will you get to relax and receive, but you’ll experience the sharpening power of LIFE ON LIFE. You’ll leave our three days together prepared to work perhaps even better than ever before. And most importantly you’ll leave with a network of friends cheering you on whose encouragement will follow you throughout the year. I look forward to slowing down and re-focusing with you at a 2009 Timothy+Barnabas Pastors’ Retreat.
Please mark your calendar and if possible be at one of these events!