Baptist21 is excited to announce the final speaker for our event (Men on Mission) in Missouri: Dr. Bruce Ashford, Dean of the College at Southeastern.
Ashford is also the associate professor of philosophy and intercultural studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition, he is a research fellow for the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture at Southeastern. Before coming to teach at Southeastern, Bruce lived and worked in the former Soviet Union. He has published articles with a number of academic journals including Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society and Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. He has also contributed a chapter to The Great Commission Resurgence: Fulfilling God’s Mandate in Our Time. Bruce is married to Lauren. The Ashfords are members of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina.
What is this? A one-day event covering the topics of men in the Church and men on mission.
Why this topic? There seems to be a tendency for men in our culture to be complacent and take the path of ease, or to be grown children who are consumers and those who are limited on commitment. However, God’s mission calls them instead to something radically different, courage, commitment, and action. Come hear godly, experienced ministers lay out God’s mission for men, especially young men, in the world and in service to His Church.
When is this event? Monday MAY 10 (Noon to 4pm)
Where is this event? First Baptist Church Arnold, Missouri (about 30 minutes from St. Louis, MO)
Who is speaking at this event?
- Darrin Patrick – lead pastor of The Journey in Saint Louis, MO, which he founded in 2002. Darrin also serves as Vice President of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network and is a regular contributor at The Resurgence. His passion is to help the church understand and live the gospel in the world. Today, The Journey runs eight services across four campuses and continues to aggressively plant new campuses and churches in the Saint Louis region and beyond. He recently finished two books: Church Planter: the man, the message and the mission and A Church for the City with Matt Carter.
- Alvin Reid – professor of evangelism and student ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he occupies the Bailey Smith Chair of Evangelism. Alvin is the author of numerous books, including Radically Unchurched, Raising the Bar, Join the Movement, and Evangelism Handbook. He is also co-author, with Southeastern ethicist Mark Liederbach, of the recently published The Convergent Church: Missional Worshipers in an Emerging Culture. He is a popular conference speaker and evangelist, and he plays a mean bass guitar. Alvin is married to Michelle and is the father of two children. The Reids are members of Richland Creek Community Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina. (from Between the Times)
- Bruce Ashford – see above
- Kenny Qualls – was born and raised in the Green County/Springfield Missouri area. He and his wife Donna have two children. Kenny was saved December 1, 1981. He is a graduate of Southwest Missouri State and Midwestern Baptist Seminary. Kenny is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Arnold Mo. He is very active in association and state ministries.
What to Do: Register here
There may be a small fee for lunch (we will update you in a future blog)