Years ago I was introduced to this resource. At the time, I really didn’t know Tim Keller or anything about his ministry in NYC. My brother recommended this resource to me and it was particularly helpful during a time of trial in my life.
At Baptist21, one of our main focuses is on “gospel-centrality.” I can think of no one who has more influenced us in this area than Pastor Keller. He has been tremendously influential in helping us see that the gospel must be central for all of life. It cannot be the focus merely for entry into the Christian life and then forgotten. Instead, it is central to our justification, as well as our sanctification and glorification. Many of our readers are probably already familiar with this resource, but if you are not, it is a must listen. This resource will help your preaching, as well as help you think through how to smash the idols and “functional saviors” in your life. It certainly provided and continues to provide that kind of challenge for me and that is why I listen to it at least once a year.
This message was delivered in May 2006 at the Reform and Resurge Conference
Check out Tim Keller’s Preaching the Gospel