Dr. Bryant Wright on the SBC Name Change (Part 2)

Recently, Jonathan Akin had the opportunity to interview SBC President Bryant Wright over Skype. President Wright responds to pressing questions and offers clarifications concerning the recent SBC name change proposal. This interview will be released in 3 parts over the next week. Part 1 was released last week and you can watch it here. The following questions are answered in part 2, which is posted below.

  • Any thoughts on how to prevent the name change from developing a “Two-party system” in the SBC (SBC vs. GBC)?
  • Did the Task Force feel like this proposal was a “win/win” for everyone in the SBC?
  • Some have said the proposed descriptor is a way to quiet anyone who disagrees with it. After all, who would want to say “I’m NOT a Great Commission Baptist.” How would you respond to that?
  • We heard that minorities across the convention requested a name change. Can you explain the rationale behind that desire?
  • When we say we are “Great Commission Baptists” does that imply that other Baptist groups are not about the Great Commission?
  • Are you not proud of your Southern heritage?
  • We dropped the name “Southern” out of the descriptor because of negative connotations (regional, slavery, racism, etc.). Why did we keep the name “Baptist” that can also carry negative connotations like fundamentalism, judgmentalism, etc.?