Disciple Making Part 3: Every Member Develops A Personal Disciple Making Plan

At the B21 panel at SBC 2013, David Platt explains how at Brook Hills every member develops a personal disciple making plan.  

B21 Every Member Develops A Personal Disciple Making Plan from Baptist21 on Vimeo.

by Paul Akin, Director of Mid-Term Mission at The Church at Brook Hills

Every Disciple a Disciple-maker?

            When one reads the book of Acts, what they see is ordinary believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit, proclaiming the gospel and making disciples. The underlying theme throughout the book is that every disciple is a disciple-maker. One is hard-pressed to find “spectator” Christians in the book of Acts. Disciple-making is not just for the experts or the professional Christian; it is for the everyday Christian just like you and me. To be a follower of Christ means to be engaged in the Great Commission work of making disciples and teaching people to observe and obey the commands of Christ.

I am indebted to my pastor, Dr. David Platt and the staff at The Church at Brook Hills for challenging me to think about this reality in my own life. One of the requirements for each new covenant member at Brook Hills is to fill out a personal disciple-making plan that was developed by Dr. Platt. This is not a legalistic document intended to provide a list of do’s and don’ts for new members. This is a helpful tool for new and current members who are trying to be intentional with their lives as disciple-makers. The personal disciple-making plan asks 6 key questions.

As a disciple-maker…

  1. How will I fill my mind with truth?
  2. How will I fuel my affections for God?
  3. How will I share God’s love as a witness in the world?
  4. How will I show God’s love as a member of the church?
  5. How will I spread God’s glory among all peoples?
  6. How will I make disciples among a few people?

This has been a valuable tool in the life of our church and I hope you will utilize it in your own life. It is a humble reminder to keep in your Bible, on your bed stand, or taped to a mirror to prompt you to be intentional about making disciples. So many of us can get caught up doing good things that are often to the neglect of the best things.  Jesus calls his followers to engage in Kingdom work. So, in obedience to the King, and for the advancement of his Kingdom to the ends of the earth, lets commit to obey the Great Commission call to make disciples.

Here’s a link to the official Brook Hills Personal Disciple Making Plan