Our brother Paul tells us that the when God establishes marriage in the beginning (A man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh) that “this mystery is profound” and it “refers to Christ and the church” (Eph. 5:31-32). Our brother has established for us that human sexuality is intimately connected to the gospel. In fact, the husband-wife union points us to the grand Story of human history whereby God has pursued, loved and secured a bride by means of His own blood.
However, just because it is clear that human sexuality is a gospel issue does not mean that this is a simple issue. We live in a culture that is confused when it comes to sexuality and one that has been ravaged because of that confusion. What is more, our “church culture” is often equally confused as the culture when it comes to sexuality. We find ourselves in a time where historic orthodox teachings on sexuality are under attack, not just from outsiders but from “inside” the church. In steps the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (http://erlc.com) and in steps this conference (http://erlc.com/summit/ schedule/) on the Gospel and Human Sexuality. The ERLC exists to equip the churches to think well about these complex issues in a complex age. The ERLC has gathered together some of the brightest thinkers on this issue to equip churches and pastors in the gospel and its implications for topics such as pornography, homosexuality, brokeness, identity, confusion, teaching teens, purusing purity, dealing with sexual sin, and more!
We at B21 are excited about this conference because we know thinking well about this topic points us to that final day when our King receives the reward of His suffering… a bride of “splendor, wouthout spot or wrinkel or any such thing!”
The Conference begins today at 1pm and you can watch it live here – http://live.erlc.com