Today Baptist21 pays tribute to Dr. Adrian Rogers for his faithfulness as a Jesus-loving, soul-winning, Bible-preaching, and church-leading man.
Two of the reasons that we started Baptist21 were to give honor to those who have gone before us and to be faithful in the 21st century as they were in the 20th century. Dr. Adrain Rogers exemplifies that uncompromising faithfulness as well as anyone. There would be no Baptist21 without Adrian Rogers. He was one of the seminal leaders who fought the battle for the inerrancy of the Bible in the Conservative Resurgence. Our seminaries, our own ministries, and many of churches would not be what they are today without him. Not only do we give tribute to him today, but we also seek to follow his example in being faithful to uphold the inerrancy of the Bible in a day when so many people seem to be waffling on it.
On Sunday November 15th, 2015, Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis posted a video honoring their former pastor Adrian Rogers, paying tribute to his legacy of faith on the 10th anniversary of his death. We are re-posting the video here with the permission of Bellevue and Pastor Steve Gaines.