The most wonderful time of the year for every Southern Baptist is coming, and registration for this years B21 Lunch Panel at the SBC is now open! You can register here! For a little extra incentive, if you secure your spot before May you get a discounted ticket with our early bird special!
- Where: St. Louis America’s Center (Level 2 Rooms 222-227)
- When: June 14 at 11:45am (Start time will be immediately following the morning session) – 1pm
- Panelists:
- David Platt
- Matt Chandler
- Albert Mohler
- Danny Akin
- Russ Moore
- J.D. Greear
- Potential Topics:
- IMB Changes
- Presidential Elections (USA & SBC)
- BFM2000
- Social Issues
- Denominational Policies
- State Conventions
- The Future of the Cooperative Program
- and more…