Resources from Baptist Leaders Past and Present


On Thanksgiving Day we put out a post asking for you to reply back with the Baptist leaders who helped change your life. The responses held names of monumental leaders, both past and present.

To follow up we though we would compile post with quick links to resources by some of these leaders so that their influence will continue on!

There were also many faithful shepherds mentioned who may not have websites or sermon libraries, but who faithfully shepherd their people week in and week out in the local church. We thank God for these men who faithfully labor in “obscurity.” They are our heroes.



Adoniram Judson: A brief biography by John Piper; The Southern Baptist Journal of Missions and Evangelism Adoniram Judson Bicentennial

William Carey: Biographical Article from CTFull Text and Books 

Andrew Fuller: Biography through Desiring God; Article by Nathan Finn

Charles Spurgeon: links to many of Spurgeon’s writings; CT biographical article

Adrian Rogers: Love Worth Finding: sermons and broadcasts

W. A. Criswell: Criswell Sermon Library



Jerry Vines

Johnny Hunt

James Merritt

Robert Smith Jr.

Mark Dever

Russel Moore

Danny Akin

Paige Patterson

Al Mohler