Baptist21 Podcast: Interview with J.D. Greear

JDGreear2J.D. Greear is the lead pastor of the Summit Church, a rapidly growing church of over 3,000 members in Raleigh-Durham, NC. J.D. is committed to the local church and to church planting, having undertaken the goal of planting 1,000 churches in the next 50 years. Currently, they have 12 plants around the world, 7 of which are in Muslim contexts. He has authored a number of publications, including the forthcoming Breaking the Islamic Code. He has a Ph.D. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and has recently been named to the recent Great Commission Resurgence Task Force.

Baptist21 is grateful for the ministry of J.D. and are very thankful that he has taken the time to sit down with us for a podcast interview. J.D. is a model for our audience and a man that we can learn a lot from.


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Interview Questions :

Note: This interview came pre-convention

  • Why do you choose to associate with the Southern Baptist Convention?
  • Why did you sign the Great Commission Resurgence Declaration?
  • Why has there been so much heat surrounding potential restructuring that the GCR is seeking to examine?
  • How do we put the Great Commission Resurgence into action?
  • How can the SBC be most effective in the 21st Century?
  • What do Southern Baptists need to hear the most theologically?
  • What would you say to encourage younger pastors to stay in the SBC?
  • Why do you network with Acts29?
  • Why is your church so focused on church planting? And how have you found church planting to be in cooperating with the SBC and what needs to change here?