Nick Floyd is Associate Pastor/Preaching Assistant at the FBC Springdale, AR and The Church at Pinnacle Hills, Rogers, Arkansas. He previously served on staff at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, TX before joining FBC Springdale. Nick has a B.S. from Liberty University, a Masters of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is nearing completion of a Dmin from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to Meredith and they have a daughter named Reese (2yrs old) and a son due in November.
b21 Interview with Nick Floyd
1. As the son of a prominent Southern Baptist Pastor, have you ever questioned your involvement in the Southern Baptist Convention and why do you remain?
I don’t know that I’ve ever really questioned my continued involvement in the SBC. If there ever was a time, it was a few years ago after my dad had run for president of the SBC and been ripped to shreds by various blogs. I knew I would come back and fall on the side of being SBC, but that was a tough time. Thankfully time heals and my dad is able to serve Southern Baptists in this new role with the GCR.
I remain Southern Baptist for several reasons. First of all, I was raised a Southern Baptist. I was saved, called to ministry, licensed and ordained in a Southern Baptist Church. I love the SBC. Second, I remain Southern Baptist because of our doctrine. Last but not least, I believe we have the greatest missionary sending organization on the planet.2. What were the highlights of the annual meeting to you?
I think most would agree the overwhelming response to the GCR motion had to be the highlight of the convention. It was a great sign for our denomination to show such strong support for doing all we can to greater fulfill the Great Commission. I think the GCR is something that the convention has rallied behind. I have told a few different people who did not attend the SBC about the unity that was apparent during the convention. It seems like we are moving beyond issues that have divided us and are uniting around the cause of spreading the gospel.
Another highlight for me was seeing so many younger people at the convention. Over 600 people, most of us younger Southern Baptists, joined together at the Baptist 21 panel. I think the leadership of Johnny Hunt, the excitement of the Great Commission Resurgence, and Baptist 21 event all contributed to the high attendance of the younger generation.
3. Why is the GCR Task Force important to the work of the Great Commission?
I think the Task Force is essential to the fulfillment of the Great Commission within our denomination. I believe the Task Force simply puts legs to the GCR document. It gives representatives of the local churches of the SBC the opportunity to take a look at all we do to ensure our congregations that our tithes and offerings are being used in the most effective way possible for the spread of the gospel. Without the Task Force, we are in danger of letting the Great Commission Resurgence never achieve all that it could.4. What was the most interesting thing you heard at the b21 panel?
I can’t remember exactly how Dr. Mohler said it, but he said something to the tune of, “Make us earn every penny you send us.” I love this attitude. We who are pastors, staff, and lay members of SBC churches can rest assured when we have people in leadership like this. I really think this is the heartbeat behind the GCR. We as a convention appointed the power to the President to appoint a Task Force to ensure that all of our SBC entities are “earning” the money our SBC churches are sending them by being as faithful as they possibly can in fulfilling the Great Commission.5. What was the most helpful thing you heard at the panel? or most helpful thing about the Panel?
I think what was most helpful about the panel has been the same thing that has been the most helpful about Baptist 21 in general. It has served as a movement among younger Southern Baptists that are committed to orthodoxy, the future of the SBC, and honoring those faithful Southern Baptists who have gone before us. The tendency among most people, especially younger people, is to be negative and cynical of organizations like the SBC. I appreciate the fact that Baptist 21 has not taken a negative approach in their attempt to unite younger Southern Baptists.
Part One (Jarrett Stephens) Associate Pastor Prestonwood Baptist Church (Dallas, TX)
Part Two (Aaron Coe) Lead Pastor of the Gallery Church (NYC)
Part 3 (Jay Hardwick) Lead Pastor of Awaken Church (Columbia, SC)