B21 Panel @ 9Marks Conference 2011

Baptist21 will once again host a panel discussion during this year’s 9Marks Conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. This year’s topic for the panel will be Ecclesiology. We will focus on questions of church government, structure, leadership, and more.


Where: Binkely Chapel at SEBTS

When: Friday September 23rd from 1-2pm


–       Danny Akin

–       Thabiti Anyabwile

–       Mark Dever

–       James MacDonald

–       Darrin Patrick


Note on Signups: This year’s panel is open to all who are attending the 9Marks Conference on the Gospel (information on the conference is below) – if you want a quick lunch option as well in order to get back in time for the panel, B21 will be making available a lunch. YOU MUST BE REGISTERED FOR THE 9MARKS CONFERENCE TO ATTEND THIS EVENT.

–       Register for the $7 lunch here – lunch will be served in the Ledford Center Gym from 12-1pm, and then the panel will start at 1pm in Binkley chapel.


The 9Marks Conference on the Gospel at Southeastern


What: The third 9Marks at Southeastern conference will explore why a healthy church is one that centers its corporate life around the gospel, and how it can do this in everyday life for the glory of God.


Where: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Binkley Chapel

When: September 23 and 24th


–       Danny Akin

–       Thabiti Anyabwile

–       Mark Dever

–       James MacDonald

–       Ben Mandrell

–       Darrin Patrick


REGISTER FOR THIS CONFERENCE HEREyou must be registered for this event to attend the b21 panel


 Advance the Church Regional


B21 would also like to make our readers aware of another event in the Raleigh-Durham area that week. Advance the Church will be hosting a regional on the day before the 9Marks conference starts.


What: Larry Osborne, author of Sticky Church, Sticky Teams, and The Unity Factor, will be talking on the topic Executing the Mission


Where: Summit Church Brier Creek Campus

When: Thursday September 22nd (11:30am-3:30pm)

The event is FREE

For more info and Registration