Dr. Kevin Smith
Follow Dr. Smith on Twitter @smithbaptist
Dr. Smith leads the staff of the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware. In 2015, while serving the Highview Baptist Church in Louisville (KY), he was elected president of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. He has studied at Hampton University, the Church of God Theological Seminary, and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, subsequently serving on Southern’s faculty for over a decade. He has experience as a pastor, chaplain, church planter, conference speaker, and short-term missionary. He has been a visiting professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and an instructor at Lee University. Smith is a member of the Organization of American Historians and the American Society of Church History.
Dr. Russell Moore
Follow Dr. Moore on Twitter @drmoore
Dr. Moore is president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the moral and public policy agency of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. He is a frequent cultural commentator, an ethicist and theologian by background, and an ordained Southern Baptist minister. Moore is the author of several books, including Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel. Dr. Moore has served as provost and dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, where he also taught theology and ethics. He currently serves as Distinguished Professor of Christian Ethics at Southern Seminary, and as a visiting professor of ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
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