Matt Chandler
Follow Matt Chandler on Twitter @MattChandler74
Matt Chandler is the lead pastor of The Village Church in Texas. Under Chandler’s leadership, The Village Church has grown from 160 members to over 11,000 across multiple campuses in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. In 2012, He became the president of Acts 29 and began to shift its focus toward four specific hopes for the future: plant churches who plant churches, be known for holiness and humility, become radically diverse and be serious about evangelism and conversion. He is the author of five well-respected works, including: The Mingling of Souls, Recovering Redemption, The Explicit Gospel, Creature of the Word, and To Live is Christ To Die is Gain.
Dr. Albert Mohler
Follow Dr. Mohler on Twitter @albertmohler
Dr. Mohler is the current president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also earned his M.Div and Ph.D. He is widely recognized by those inside the church and outside for his intellect and insight into the “intersection of faith and culture.” He has contributed important evangelical perspectives in the public square by writing for publications like The New York Times, USA Today, and The Washington Post. Dr. Mohler has authored numerous books, including We Cannot Be Silent, and contributed to over one hundred other published works. He serves on the board of Focus on the Family, is a member of the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and serves as a council member for The Gospel Coalition. As a leader within the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. Mohler has faithfully served in a variety influential committee positions across the last three decades.