Baptist21 Podcast: Jon Akin’s Sermons on the Great Commission Resurgence Axioms

The Baptist21 Podcast returns with a Wednesday Night Sermon Series from Jon Akin through the ten Axioms of the Great Commission Resurgence Declaration. In this series, Jon Akin is taking his congregation through Bible texts that relate to the different axioms of the GCR and showing why the local church should care about the GCR. Indeed, the GCR will succeed only if it originates in the local church. This first installment covers Axiom one of the GCR Declaration, “A Commitment to Christ’s Lordship. We call upon all Southern Baptists to submit to the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ in all things at the personal, local church, and denominational levels. (Col. 1:18; 3:16-17, 23-24).” Jon’s passage for week one is Philippians 2.


podcastStay tuned for further podcasts from Baptist21, including the conclusion of the podcast interview with Dwayne Milioni, the conclusion of the interview with 2 young church planters in Washington D.C., a 2-part interview with Pastor J.D. Greear, preaching from the Baptist21 Contributors, and much more.