Johnny Hunt Podcast On the GCR

johnny-hunt1Recently Dr. Johnny Hunt sat down for an interview answering questions related to the recent Great Commission Resurgence document.

The questions asked include:
1.  Who authored this document?
2.  What is the purpose of this document?
3.  Has the document been altered in any way since it was publicly released on the Great Commission Resurgence website on April 27, 2009?
4.   How can Southern Baptists make sure that our programs and initiatives remain tethered to the gospel?
5. As you know two of our seminaries – the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary – both require that the professors who teach there to adhere to the Abstract of Principles, a confession first written in 1858. Is it appropriate for these seminaries to use two different confessions, or should the BFM 2000 be the only confessional standard used at any of our SBC boards, agencies, and commissions?
6.  Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of Southern Seminary articulated the concept of “theological triage” at a Baptist Identity Conference at Union University in 2004 where he presented first, second, and third order issues of theology. Do you agree that theological doctrines can and should be ordered (or triaged) into tiers of understanding where fellowship is contingent on certain doctrines being embraced in order for intentional levels of cooperation to be experienced?
7.  The document articulates in detail key doctrinal statements which make for a distinctive Baptist identity. They are “the Baptist distinctives of a regenerate church membership, believer’s baptism by immersion, the priesthood of all believers, congregational church polity, local church autonomy, and liberty of conscience for all people.”  Are these first-tier theological doctrines? Are those who do not hold to these doctrines to be regarded by Baptists as un-Christian?
8.  Dr. Mohler stated, “Without the discipline of theological triage, we are constantly at risk of confusing third-order issues for first-order issues – the original besetting sin of fundamentalism. At the same time, we are also at risk of mistaking first-order issues for third-order ones – the besetting sin of liberalism. Keeping our equilibrium requires that our triage be clear and self-conscious, articulated and accountable.”  Is this a present reality in Southern Baptist life?  If so, would you please name a third-order issue Southern Baptists have raised to a first-order issue?

And much more…check out this link to hear the podcast!