Beginning today, on Mondays, Baptist21 will highlight a weekly sermon. It is our hope to expose our readers to faithful expositors and faithful exposition. Many of these featured sermons will come from pastors’ connected to Baptist21, the Pillar Network, and the larger SBC. Please consider adding our “Message Mondays” to your weekly routine!
This Week’s Sermon
Name: Pastor Eric Bancroft
Eric is currently planting Grace Church Miami. He has served as senior pastor at Castleview Church in Indianapolis and associate pastor at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles under Pastor John MacArthur. Eric has a B.A. from Trinity International University, a M.Div. from The Master’s Seminary, and is currently finishing his D.Min. at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to pastoring, Eric helped start the Indianapolis Theological Seminary, the Indianapolis Chapter of The Gospel Coalition, the Indy Sr. Pastors Network, and is a Fellow at The Mathena Center for Church Revitalization at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Church: Grace Church
Series: a sermon delivered at Providence Road Church, a support partner of Grace Church Miami.
Text: Philippians 1:12-27, “Advancing the Gospel as a Church”
Some Sermon Highlights:
- Faithful exposition of Philippians 1:12-27
- Great use of illustrations, particularly one focused on the sacrifice to reach the nations
- An example of how to lead the congregation through church planting from the pulpit