Two disciples walked the road to Emmaus in puzzlement with their heads hung in mourning. Days earlier they had seen the one they thought would deliver Israel from bondage suffocate to death on a cross. Suddenly they encountered this ex-corpse on the roadway but did not recognize him. Jesus went on to show them something else they did not recognize – how to read the Scriptures. Jesus opened their eyes to see how the entire Old Testament is about him. He showed them how the OT presents the Gospel message that the suffering of the Messiah at the cross is the pathway to his glory and the forgiveness of sinners (Luke 24:13-35, 36-49).
Baptist 21 wants to make you aware of a website that is devoted to providing materials to help the church read the Bible in this way. It is This site wants to help the Church and ministers understand the Bible from a biblical-theological perspective. Here’s how it accomplishes that:
- It hosts articles and book reviews that relate to Biblical Theology.
- It promotes new books on Biblical Theology by posting book blurbs.
- It gets preachers to develop what they call “Biblical Theology Briefings.” These briefings are expositional guides that combine a sermon manuscript with exegetical comments that explain how the preacher made important biblical-theological “moves.”
These briefings are very helpful tools for understanding the mechanics of Biblical Theology in preaching. We would recommend them to you as a resource. Also, join the Beginning with Moses group on Facebook at
The website has just updated its look and is well worth checking out. The editor of the website, Mark Owens, is a recent graduate with his ThM from SEBTS and is currently working on his PhD in NT at Aberdeen.
Baptist 21 is excited to see a website that helps preachers think through preaching the theology of the Bible. This is desperately needed in our pulpits. Please check it out!