Two disciples walked the road to Emmaus in puzzlement with their heads hung in mourning. Days earlier they had seen the one they thought would deliver Israel from bondage suffocate to death on a cross. Suddenly they encountered this ex-corpse on the roadway but did not recognize him. Jesus went on to show them something else they did not recognize …
The Gospel of Jesus in the Life of King Joash
Baptist21 is committed to seeking gospel-centrality among the nations through the church to the glory of King Jesus. Part of seeking gospel-centrality is learning to read the Bible rightly and understand how the gospel of King Jesus is the central theme of the entire bible (Lk. 24). So, B21 author Jon Akin (who is completing a PhD in O.T. Studies) …
Jehoshaphat and The Gospel
2 CHRONICLES 17-20: JEHOSHAPHAT Jehoshaphat takes over for his father Asa in a time of turmoil. He strengthens his position in Judah, placing troops in the fortified cities (built by Asa). Yahweh is “with” Jehoshaphat because he walks in the former ways of His father David, who did not seek the Baals. This is a fulfillment of the promises to …
The Gospel of Jesus in the Life of Asa
2 CHRONICLES 14-16: ASA When reading a narrative a reader must look for clues, themes, etc that foreshadow what will happen at the end of the story. After reading the whole story, those clues and themes make greater sense, and are read in light of the rest of the story. When reading stories like Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, or …
Reading the Bible Christocentrically: Rescuing the Ark Narrative from Enlightenment Reductionism
Interpreting OT history is often a confusing task for the church. How do you apply Israelite history to the modern church? There have been two dominant attempts to resolve this tension: allegory and historical-grammatical method. Allegory arose mainly with people who deeply believed the OT was of value to the church and about Christ, so they struggled to read it as …
Jihadist Suicide Bomber? The Gospel and Samson
I remember having a conversation with my brothers and a friend of theirs in which the subject of Samson’s salvation came up. Their friend exclaimed, “I don’t even know if that guy was regenerate!” Of course Samson broke his Nazarite vow on several occasions, made multiple rendezvous with pagan women, cohabited with one, and committed suicide in some vain attempt …
The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Reversal of Babel
One of the biggest regrets of my life was not taking Spanish in High School because knowing Spanish would be such a help in ministry. Our church is focused on ministry to Spanish speaking people both locally and nationally. We send dozens to Guatemala on mission each year, and my wife and I had the privilege to go a …
The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Story of Noah
The story of Noah has been popularized again and again and again. From Bill Cosby’s comic routine to the newly released “Evan Almighty,” the Noah story is everywhere, including YouTube. This atheist who calls herself “Hellbound Alleee,” posted this video about Noah’s Ark. She explains how ridiculous it is that Christian parents are so concerned with TV content and ratings …
Teaching Children the Gospel and Good Works
A few weeks ago our church took over a 100 rising third through sixth graders away for “Kids Camp.” Kids Camp has become legendary at our church. Sure, the legend has something to do with the blob on the lake that sends kids above the tree line. Sure, it has something to do with the zip line, horseback riding, staying …
Preaching the Gospel Every Week
One of my favorite movies is the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and some of my favorite parts are the songs of the Oompa Loompas: Oompa Loompa doompety doo; I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you Oompa Loompa doompety dee; If you are wise you’ll listen to me What do you get when you guzzle down sweets; Eating …