By Clint Darst Do you ever feel weary from the battle of Christian ministry in this broken world? Think of the last few weeks: a global pandemic, extreme isolation, escalating counseling concerns, #AhmaudArbery, another beloved pastor’s death, and on top of all that the daily pressures of the church. Seasons like this remind me of why the Apostle Paul exhorted …
Being Baptist in the 21st Century: Series Introduction
By Nate Akin What does it mean to be Baptist? It’s a good question to revisit even though it’s been answered. We often assume our convictions, especially if we’ve grown up with them. We need to make sure our convictions align with the New Testament and God’s ideas for ordering His church. We are Baptists because we believe Baptist theology most …
For richer, for poorer — until DEBT do us part?
3 financial principles to have and to hold for as long as you both shall live. BY GREG LOVE You’ve heard them, likely performed them (and maybe even said them) before — the refrain of traditional wedding vows from one beloved to another as a promise to uphold their commitment “for better or for worse, in sickness and in health …
New year, new lawsuit? Four Common Misconceptions About Employment Law — and How to Keep Them from Costing Your Ministry
By Greg Love 2020 marks a new year, new decade and . . . new liability insurance for your ministry? While this resolution may be unlike most people’s idea of a fresh start this year, it should be a priority as you look ahead to the next 12 months. As a church, you mainly think of yourselves as a ministry —but …
My Walk through the Kingdom: Reflections on 30 Years of Ministry
This year I celebrated my 30th year in pastoral ministry. The years have flown by like a flock of geese heading south for the winter. Those years have been filled with countless weddings, funerals, counseling sessions, staff and Elders meetings, hospital visits, sermon preps, writing projects, mission trips, church planting adventures, seminary classes, and denominational meetings. During those years, I’ve had …
The R-A-C-E Is On: What to Do When Your Church Encounters a Wintertime Claim
BY GREG LOVE There’s something about the Christmas season that makes us want to view our cup of coffee as half full, not half empty. This time of year has us overflowing with thankfulness and optimism! However, in the delight and busyness of the holiday season, don’t allow your church to become distracted from managing potential risks. For example, do …
Making a Christian college Christian
A CHRISTIAN COLLEGE SHOULD MOBILIZE ITS CURRICULUM, FACULTY, AND PROGRAMMING TO HELP STUDENTS DEVELOP THE SKILL OF THINKING CRITICALLY ACCORDING TO GOD’S REVELATION. By Matthew J. Hall What should you look for in a Christian college? Common sense suggests you should know what kind of person you are, or aspire to be, and look for the school that aligns with that. …
Is a Medical Sharing Plan a Smart Alternative to Medical Coverage?
Is a Medical Sharing Plan a Smart Alternative to Medical Coverage? At this time of year, we are enjoying cooler weather, fall color in the trees, football games and pumpkin spice everything. If you are the individual at your ministry who oversees employee benefits, you may be sipping that pumpkin spice latte while poring over your group medical plan options …
3 Questions for a Stronger Culture of Multigenerational Generosity
Let’s start with some great news: Generosity is thriving across all generations. Perhaps that feels like an inconsistent statement when you look at the reality that less than 10% of younger generations (Gen Z and Millennials) would say they most frequently choose to be generous through monetary giving. Beyond younger generations, the numbers are not much better. Across all generations, …
Kanye West’s Sunday Services
Social media chatter has revealed mixed reactions to the Sunday services rap megastar Kanye West is holding. West professed saving faith in Jesus Christ, and for the past year or so, he has been hosting servicesto be “a way to point people to Jesus through the arts and through a community of people who love and care for each other.” Kanye West …