B21 is very excited about the direction of the North American Mission Board under the leadership of President Kevin Ezell (who will also be joining the B21 lunch panel on Tuesday of the Convention, Register for that HERE). Ezell has introduced the strategy entitled “Send North America” that will be a major church planting push from NAMB. NAMB is putting on a lunch panel to discuss this strategy and how churches can get involved. If you are going to be in Phoenix for the SBC, please make every effort to attend this meeting.
What: NAMB’s Send North America Luncheon
When: Monday, June 13, 2011 – lunch at noon (Doors open at 11:30am)
Where: Phoenix Convention Center room 122B (during the Monday lunch of the Southern Baptist Convention)
Speakers: Kevin Ezell and Ed Stetzer
Cost: $7 online ($10 in room 122B at Conventon Center if space is available)
Contact: SNAluncheon@namb.net or call us at 770-410-6380