Why Send Church Planters and Missionaries

  B21’s own Jon Akin moderates a discussion at the Cooperative Program booth during this year’s SBC with Kevin Ezell, Vance Pitman, Jeff Christopherson, Noah Oldham, and Rayden Hollis. This panel of pastors, NAMB representatives, and church planters offers a unique and much needed perspective on the importance of church planting, as well as practical steps for how you can …

Ronnie Parrott’s Reflections on the SBC 2016

(Photo attributed to Baptist Press) The SBC in St. Louis offered many pivotal moments in the life of our convention that will not soon be forgotten. (If you haven’t already, see James Merritt’s amendment concerning the resolution on the Confederate flag and Dr. Moore’s defense of the religious liberty of Muslims and all faith groups) In the coming days we at B21 will be running …

Send North America Discussion

B21 is very excited about the direction of the North American Mission Board under the leadership of President Kevin Ezell (who will also be joining the B21 lunch panel on Tuesday of the Convention, Register for that HERE). Ezell has introduced the strategy entitled “Send North America” that will be a major church planting push from NAMB. NAMB is putting …


Registration for the B21 Lunch Panel at this year’s SBC is now open. When: June 14th, during the SBC lunch break (roughly 12pm-1pm) Where: Phoenix Convention Center (PCC), West Building in Room 301A What: A lunch panel discussion on Mission, the SBC, and more… Who: –       John Piper –       David Platt –       Albert Mohler –       Danny Akin –       Kevin Ezell …

B21 Interviews New NAMB President Kevin Ezell

I got the opportunity to sit down recently with Kevin Ezell, who has been my pastor for 14 years, my boss for 8 years, and is now the new President at the North American Mission Board (NAMB). I asked him some questions about his transition to NAMB. Here is the audio of that interview where we get a glimpse of …

Mr. Ezell Goes to Alpharetta (part 2)

For Part one of “Mr. Ezell Goes to Alpharetta 3. He is a bold leader who is not afraid to make bold moves. Our denomination is facing great challenges in every entity and every area of ministry. The entity that is often seen as facing the greatest challenges is NAMB. A leader who can face and overcome these challenges will …

Mr. Ezell Goes to Alpharetta (part 1)

Kevin Ezell has been my family’s pastor for 14 years. I could tell you countless ways that he has ministered to us, from hospital visits, to wearing the Whitefield Wildcat Mascot to cheer up my little girl! His election as the President of NAMB could be an occasion for much sadness, but instead it gives me great excitement because I …

Stories of Interest in SBC Press: Hunt with Controversial Thoughts on GCR and Ezell to be nominated SBC Pastor’s Conference President

Recently, there have been two articles of note in Southern Baptist Press. The first is an interview with Pastor Johnny Hunt about the Great Commission Resurgence. He covers some controversial topics, such as: why a GCR, why so much “push back” from Baptist state executives, a GCR motion for the Convention in Louisville calling for a task force to study …