Perhaps I am just a naive and idealistic millennial, but I remain hopeful and excited for the future of the IMB. Without a doubt, yesterday was a heavy day for Southern Baptists and for the International Mission Board (IMB). IMB President, Dr. David Platt announced that he has asked IMB Trustees to begin a search for his successor as President …
Sola Scriptura: The Primacy of Scripture in the Work of Missions
It may seem obvious, but I’m going to say it anyway: the primacy and necessity of the Bible must never be assumed—especially in the Great Commission. The importance of keeping this truth ever before us cannot be overstated. As I write this from a plane in East Asia, I can’t help but reminisce over recent days engaging others in …
Revisiting the 50/50 Split: A Call to All State Conventions
It’s almost that time of the year again. The dust has settled from the annual meeting among Southern Baptists from around the country, and now it is almost time for state conventions to host their annual meetings. We will meet to discuss what God is doing among our churches, how to better encourage one another, statewide evangelism initiatives, and …
Knowing the End from the Beginning
Today we feature an article by Peyton Hill, the Lead Pastor at Highland Baptist Church in Grove City, OH and frequent contributor to B21. I confess. When I read a book I often like to read the last few paragraphs of the final chapter before I even start to work through the preface. I want to see how it turns …
What I Have Learned From 5 Years of Church Revitalization: Part Two
I just celebrated my 5th anniversary as pastor of Fairview Church. I am so thankful to be their pastor, and I am blessed by how well they love our family. It’s been, honestly, a very quick time here. I stopped to reflect over that time and some of the things I have learned. Being 5 years older, I realize …
Ronnie Parrott’s Reflections on the SBC 2016
(Photo attributed to Baptist Press) The SBC in St. Louis offered many pivotal moments in the life of our convention that will not soon be forgotten. (If you haven’t already, see James Merritt’s amendment concerning the resolution on the Confederate flag and Dr. Moore’s defense of the religious liberty of Muslims and all faith groups) In the coming days we at B21 will be running …
P2P: Discerning the Call (part 1) – Am I called?
Planning2Plant (P2P) is a series by Bryan Barley following his year of preparation for church planting. My guess is there are a number reading this right now who are attempting to discern the call to plant. Especially for you who may be in seminary, where anything from a PhD to being a missionary to an unreached people group are viable …