Our friends at the Pillar Network sat down with church planter Fabian Portunato, lead pastor of Revolution Church in Miami, Florida, to discuss one thing he knows now that he wishes he knew prior to launching. Watch his response below.
Announcement: B21 and the Pillar Network to Partner
Baptist21 is always on the lookout for other like-minded entities who can help us further our mission as a pastor-led network to be a positive voice for the future of the SBC by promoting the centrality of the gospel, baptistic distinctives, the primacy of the local church, and a focus on reaching all nations. One group whom we have …
Why I Am Hopeful, Confident, and Excited for the Future of the IMB
Perhaps I am just a naive and idealistic millennial, but I remain hopeful and excited for the future of the IMB. Without a doubt, yesterday was a heavy day for Southern Baptists and for the International Mission Board (IMB). IMB President, Dr. David Platt announced that he has asked IMB Trustees to begin a search for his successor as President …
Advice to Church Planters for Raising Support
It is surreal to me to now sit on the “other side.” After driving across the southeast, meeting with established churches as an aspiring church planter, and asking for them to “partner” with us, I am now the guy that people come to asking for help. My experience didn’t go so well. As a Southern Baptist, we planted in …
Why Send Church Planters and Missionaries
B21’s own Jon Akin moderates a discussion at the Cooperative Program booth during this year’s SBC with Kevin Ezell, Vance Pitman, Jeff Christopherson, Noah Oldham, and Rayden Hollis. This panel of pastors, NAMB representatives, and church planters offers a unique and much needed perspective on the importance of church planting, as well as practical steps for how you can …
P2P: Discerning the Call (part 2b) – Our Calling to a “Method” (The Local Church)
Make sure to check out the other posts in this series on Preparing2Plant Churches Part 2a of this blog: Discerning the Call – Our Calling to a “Method” (The Local Church) 2. A “Receiving” Church/es Church planters, especially those who “parachute” from the outside, have a reputation for disrespecting the already-established churches in the area. We can easily view ourselves …
P2P: Discerning the Call (part 2a) – Our Calling to a “Method” (The Local Church)
Planning2Plant (P2P) is a series by Bryan Barley following his year of preparation for church planting. While the first post dealt with the individual call, this post examines my calling to a particular “method.” My team’s methodology is to do everything we possibly can through the local church. I struggled whether to make this the first post in the calling …
P2P: Discerning the Call (part 1) – Am I called?
Planning2Plant (P2P) is a series by Bryan Barley following his year of preparation for church planting. My guess is there are a number reading this right now who are attempting to discern the call to plant. Especially for you who may be in seminary, where anything from a PhD to being a missionary to an unreached people group are viable …