Over the past week, since we posted “A Time for Clear Complementarianism and Wise Cooperation,” several responses have been written and we have heard from many pastors. Denny Burk and Mike Stone responded early in the week. Recently, both Robert Hefner and Cody Cunningham shared thoughts in general agreement with our original proposal, with Cody responding directly to Burk. We’re …
Equipped to Serve: How Nate’s MDiv Experience Prepared Him for Ministry – An Interview with Nate Akin
Life on mission is a life of service as worship — worship of Christ through service to his Church. For Baptist21’s Executive Director Nate Akin, that is what the MDiv at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary enabled him to do and what he saw modeled by his Southeastern professors in the classroom and on the mission field. Preparing students for a …
B21 Podcast with Eric Bancroft
Church planter and pastor, Eric Bancroft, who serves at Grace Church Miami, recently joined us for a 2-part discussion on our podcast. During our time with Eric, we covered his testimony, why he’s a Baptist, encouragements & concerns in the SBC, tips he’s learned on meaningful membership, and much more! Click here to listen: New episodes of our podcast go …
8 Reasons I’m Grateful For The 2017 SBC
Another Southern Baptist Convention is behind us. Most of us have made our way back to our homes and are starting to engage in regular life. Hopefully, we are all returning encouraged and challenged to take greater steps forward for the sake of Christ’s kingdom. I pray that all of us have greater hearts for prayer and evangelism. And …
Preparing for Phoenix: Pray for Unity
Can you believe it? It is that time of year again when thousands of Southern Baptists will make their way to the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. This year the destination is Phoenix, and as always, this gathering of Southern Baptists is sure to make for some exciting memories. Will there be a “mic drop” moment during …
J.D. Greear Joins the B21 Panel in Phoenix
B21 is excited to unveil the next member of our panel at this year’s SBC in Phoenix. J.D. Greear is currently Pastor of the Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, NC. Listed as one of Outreach magazine’s “top 25 fastest-growing churches in America” for many years running, the Summit is also one of the SBC’s most effective sending churches, having sent out more than 650 people to live …
Additional Tickets Made Available for our Panel SBC 2017
Thanks to you our lunch panel at the SBC in Phoenix has sold out in record time! We want to make sure any and all who want to join us will have the chance, so we’ve made additional tickets available for the weeks leading up to the event. We will have “Admission and Lunch” tickets for $25, the cost to us for each …
Global Hunger Relief Run 2017
I was 21-years-old and 2 weeks into my first real job. After a few days of manual labor at the Nashville Convention Center, I found myself standing in the exhibit area of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission talking about an organization that I was only beginning to understand. I may have been underprepared that year for my first …
Matt Chandler Joins the B21 Panel in Phoenix
B21 is excited to unveil the next member of our panel at this year’s SBC in Phoenix. Matt Chandler is currently the Lead Teaching Pastor of the Village Church and the President of the Acts 29 Network. Matt is well-known as a pastor, author, and speaker, and is a leading influence on our next generation of pastors and leaders in the …
Kevin Smith Joins B21 Panel in Phoenix
B21 is excited to unveil the next member of our panel at this year’s SBC in Phoenix. Kevin Smith is currently the Executive Director of the General Mission Board of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, and we are very excited that he will be the first state executive to be on a B21 panel! Dr. Smith has served many years …