Guest Blog by Steven A. McKinion He is the Associate Professor of Theology and Patristic Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has taught Theology, Church History, Hermeneutics, and Historcial Theology classes at Southeastern Seminary. Dr. McKinion’s area of specialization is Patristic Theology. He holds the following degrees: B.A., Mississippi College; M.A., University of Mobile; Ph.D., King’s College, University …
Stories of Interest in SBC Press: Hunt with Controversial Thoughts on GCR and Ezell to be nominated SBC Pastor’s Conference President
Recently, there have been two articles of note in Southern Baptist Press. The first is an interview with Pastor Johnny Hunt about the Great Commission Resurgence. He covers some controversial topics, such as: why a GCR, why so much “push back” from Baptist state executives, a GCR motion for the Convention in Louisville calling for a task force to study …
SBC21: The Duties and Dangers of This Present Hour — Part 2
This series will be divided into three sections with many posts in each section. Each section will be offered with biblical, theological consideration. The first section will touch on our past. There are many things from our SBC history and heritage that we are grateful for and have learned much from. We are indebted to godly men and women who …
Baptist21 Podcast: Interview with SWBTS President Paige Patterson
“Baptist21 exists to contend for ‘the faith once for all delivered to the saints’ (Jude 3). We embrace our past, believing this faith has been proclaimed in our Southern Baptist heritage. We work in the present, believing the Kingdom effectiveness of Southern Baptists will be in proportion to our fidelity to the Gospel. We cooperate for the future, believing the …