Third Generation Conservatives in the Southern Baptist Convention (part 3): Misconceptions

  Guest Blog by Steven A. McKinion He is the Associate Professor of Theology and Patristic Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has taught Theology, Church History, Hermeneutics, and Historcial Theology classes at Southeastern Seminary. Dr. McKinion’s area of specialization is Patristic Theology. He holds the following degrees: B.A., Mississippi College; M.A., University of Mobile; Ph.D., King’s College, University …

Interview with Dr.’s Rainer, Stetzer, and Waggoner Final Part: On Calvinism in the SBC, The Emerging Church, and Advice for Young Ministers

The final part of the interview with the LifeWay trio deals with issues of the Emerging Church, Calvinism, challenges for the SBC in the 21st Century, and parting advice for young ministers. The ideas shared by Dr.’s Rainer, Stetzer, and Waggoner are thought provoking and pertinent for young SBC ministers. [podcast][/podcast] Some Quotes from their Interview, part 3: On the …

Interview with Dr.’s Rainer, Stetzer, and Waggoner Continued: Advice for Church Planters and Revitalization, Influences, and Future Books

The 2nd part of the interview with Dr.’s Rainer, Stetzer, and Waggoner is available. These men are helpful in speaking to issues of Church planting as well as church revitalization. They also speak of the influences in their lives and some books that will be out soon that will be helpful to the church.   Some of the Questions and …