Recently I read Dr. Mark Dever’s “Nine Marks of a Healthy Church.” I hope to provide a brief summary of each mark that Pastor Dever sees as vital for the healthy church and then think through practical ways to make this mark a reality in our churches. I hope that you will join the conversation as we think through healthy …
Southeastern Seminary’s 20/20 Conference
February 6-7, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will be hosting its annual 20/20 conference. This year’s conference is entitled “The Gospel Comes to Life.” The highlighted speakers for this event are Mark Driscoll, C.J. Mahaney, and Danny Akin. Here are some highlights from last year’s 20/20 to give you a feel for the impact of this event. [youtube=] A description of …
An Examination of “The Cross and Christian Ministry” with Implications for Southern Baptist Life, Part 3
This post is the final post in a series that has focused on the insights gained from D.A. Carson’s “The Cross and Christian Ministry.” This final post focuses on more implications drawn from his work as he examines I Corinthians and the effect of the Cross on ministry. Carson’s work has challenged me and so I hope that this final …
An Examination of “The Cross and Christian Ministry” with Implications for Southern Baptist Life, Part 2
The first post in this series can be found here. Carson’s “Cross and Christian Ministry” should don the library of every gospel minister or aspiring minister. I commend this book especially to those of us (like the Baptist 21 writers) who are preparing for gospel ministry. In addition, it should don the bookshelves of pastors who have been along the …
Understanding the Cross: Responding Godly in an Ungodly Age, Part 2
5 quick things that I use in my life to respond in a godly way and to fight back certain sins (I am grateful for men like Pete Schemm, Dwayne Milioni, and Danny Akin who have helped me compile this list, this is not exhaustive, but I believe it is helpful): 1. Dwell and meditate on what the cross has …
Men and Women of Whom the World is Not Worthy, A Better Resurrection, and Am I an Obstacle to the Nations Hearing the Gospel?
Dr. Bruce Ashford delivered a powerful sermon from Hebrews 11 in the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Chapel on August 20th. My hope with this post is to hit the highlights of his message, point people to the audio because it is a must-listen, and intersperse some of my thoughts throughout as I meditate upon the themes of his message. Dr. …
Greater Things to Come: King Jesus, The Hope of the Nations
[youtube=] We serve a King who is a rescuer, a King who conquers, who defeats, and who heals. He not only puts all His enemies under His feet, He also comforts the hurting, heals the sick, and brings hope to the broken if they run to Him. He conquers the enemies of His children. I encountered two things recently that …
“The New Look of Evangelicalism?”
“Do you think Jesus is THE way or merely A way?” Franklin Graham posed this question to presidential hopeful Barack Obama some time back. The answer, some say may be reflective of the new face of Evangelicalism. Barack Obama answered saying, “Jesus is the only way for me, I’m not in a position to judge other people.” Is this a …