Part One of “A Look at a Model GCR Church” First, my church strives after the glory of God in all things with a strong emphasis on the Scriptures and Gospel-Centrality. This works itself out in a commitment to expository preaching. This method of preaching, above all others, highlights the Word of God, which is sufficient and authoritative for all …
A Look at a Model GCR Church (part 1)
I believe a potential model for what a “Great Commission Resurgence” Church in the SBC might look would be my local church. I want to state up front that I am not the pastor, nor vision setter for my church. I joined this church when I moved to seminary because I believed that my own spiritual maturing would take place …
The Future of Church Planting in the SBC? (Part 2)
Part one of this series, The Primacy of the Local Church in Church Planting The Primacy of the Local Church should also help the mission board make church planting its primary concern (maybe only concern). The main focus of a home mission board should be the planting of churches. It should be a church planting network. Why? Jesus promised that …
Baptist21 Podcast: Interview with Pastor Dwayne Milioni
Dwayne Milioni has been the Senior Pastor at Open Door Baptist Church since 1999. Pastor Milioni has led Open Door Baptist Church (where contributor Nathan Akin is a member) to become a Great Commission Resurgence kind of Church. He is a committed expositor who faithfully preaches book by book and chapter by chapter through the Bible. He is currently taking …
An Examination of “The Cross and Christian Ministry” with Implications for Southern Baptist Life, Part 3
This post is the final post in a series that has focused on the insights gained from D.A. Carson’s “The Cross and Christian Ministry.” This final post focuses on more implications drawn from his work as he examines I Corinthians and the effect of the Cross on ministry. Carson’s work has challenged me and so I hope that this final …
Understanding the Cross: Responding Godly in an Ungodly Age, Part 2
5 quick things that I use in my life to respond in a godly way and to fight back certain sins (I am grateful for men like Pete Schemm, Dwayne Milioni, and Danny Akin who have helped me compile this list, this is not exhaustive, but I believe it is helpful): 1. Dwell and meditate on what the cross has …