Guest Blog by Steven A. McKinion He is the Associate Professor of Theology and Patristic Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has taught Theology, Church History, Hermeneutics, and Historcial Theology classes at Southeastern Seminary. Dr. McKinion’s area of specialization is Patristic Theology. He holds the following degrees: B.A., Mississippi College; M.A., University of Mobile; Ph.D., King’s College, University of …
A Brief Look at the Nine Marks of a Healthy Church: Mark One, Expositional Preaching
Recently I read Dr. Mark Dever’s “Nine Marks of a Healthy Church.” I hope to provide a brief summary of each mark that Pastor Dever sees as vital for the healthy church and then think through practical ways to make this mark a reality in our churches. I hope that you will join the conversation as we think through healthy …
Southeastern Seminary’s 20/20 Conference
February 6-7, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will be hosting its annual 20/20 conference. This year’s conference is entitled “The Gospel Comes to Life.” The highlighted speakers for this event are Mark Driscoll, C.J. Mahaney, and Danny Akin. Here are some highlights from last year’s 20/20 to give you a feel for the impact of this event. [youtube=] A description of …
An Examination of “The Cross and Christian Ministry” with Implications for Southern Baptist Life, Part 3
This post is the final post in a series that has focused on the insights gained from D.A. Carson’s “The Cross and Christian Ministry.” This final post focuses on more implications drawn from his work as he examines I Corinthians and the effect of the Cross on ministry. Carson’s work has challenged me and so I hope that this final …
Great Commission Lectures and Insights from Romans 9: We Don’t Have Time to Play Games in Church or With Our Lives
I have been hearing for sometime about the preaching of David Platt. A friend of mine said of Platt that he knows of no one who preaches with such urgency and passion. I have to say the first time I heard him was last week in a lecture series that he preached at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and he …