Baptist Ecclesiology: with Dr. John Hammett

Dr. John Hammett is the Senior Professor of Systematic Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and few have contributed more to Baptist ecclesiological studies. In our latest episode of the B21 podcast, Nate Akin converses with Dr. Hammet on ecclesiology, regenerate church membership, and what Akin believes to be the single best ecclesiology book on the market today. Listen now …

The Pastor and Depression

The Pastor and Depression by Chris Dilley  Admitting There is a Problem  The role of the Christian pastor is a serious one. The Bible shows us just how serious in passages like Hebrews 13:17: “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do …

Taking Training to the Next Level

Taking Training to the Next Level with Ministry Grid by Stuart Owens One of the biggest challenges we face as a church is how to train our people. We believe strongly that our role as pastors is to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry,” but we’ve found it increasingly difficult to get the saints in front of …

Lessons Learned in Church Planting

Our friends at the Pillar Network sat down with church planter Fabian Portunato, lead pastor of Revolution Church in Miami, Florida, to discuss one thing he knows now that he wishes he knew prior to launching. Watch his response below.

The Benefits of Multigenerational Churches

When my neighbors celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, our cul-de-sac was full with their guests’ cars who had come to celebrate with them. The generations of their family that came to visit represented the legacy of love that they are passing down through their covenant of marriage.              Several times a year, my church gets together for what we call our …

Sexual Abuse and the Future of the SBC

Nearly three weeks ago, news broke that a large-scale investigation had been undertaken by the Houston Chronicle outlining twenty years of more than seven hundred sexual abuse claims across Southern Baptist churches. This news has hit the SBC hard. It has revealed a weak and pathetic approach to handling cases of sexual abuse on the part of pastors and leaders in …

Free Tax Guide for Ministers

By Greg Love Having been a pastor myself and now serving churches at GuideStone®, I understand that ministers are unique in the financial world — especially when it comes to taxes. Think about it.  Between the special tax considerations for ministers, reporting requirements of both active and retired pastors and the implications of housing allowance, ministers differ greatly from those not formally in …

Baptist21 Has Launched a Podcast

If you have’t already, check out the new B21 Podcast! There have already been interviews with Russell Moore, Vance Pitman, J.D. Greear, William Branch AKA Ambassador, Dwayne Milioni, and Jon Akin. Subscribe on: B21 on iTunes B21 on Spotify B21 on Google Play 

Caring for Christians

From time to time, we hear wonderful compliments ascribed to the people around us. Sometimes the compliment is about the person’s appearance. Sometimes about his generosity or her gentle spirit. Perhaps above them all, my attention is captured when I hear a person described as a true shepherd. “He really knows how to care for other people.” “She is in …