As the 2016 election is coming fast, we wanted to extend this guest post by Andrew T. Walker, the Director of Policy Studies at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. In it he offers really helpful advice for how we can practically engage politically in a deeper and helpful way. We’re thankful for the work he and the ERLC does and are …
Election 2016 Thoughts – Part Two: Trump Support Could Hurt Our Gospel Witness
I graduated from Murray State University with a degree in Political Science. I used to be obsessed and easily rattled by the results of elections. In almost all of those elections, I thought there was a clear candidate who should be elected for the good of the American people. Then along comes this election! In light of what I …
Should We Pull Back from Politics?
Don’t call it a pullback; we’ve been here for years. The recent profile in the Wall Street Journal highlighted a generational change in terms of the way evangelicals approach cultural and political engagement: toward a gospel-centered approach that doesn’t back down on issues of importance, but sees our ultimate mission as one that applies the blood of Christ to the questions …
5 Myths about Christian Engagement in the Public Square
Today we’re featuring a guest post by Dan Darling, Vice President for Communications at the ERLC. We at B21 are thankful for the ERLC’s leadership in equipping the SBC on issues in the public square and their continued support of our mission to be a pastor-led voice for Baptists in the 21st century. As they have in every generation, evangelicals are wrestling with …
6 Ways Pastors Can Equip Churches to Engage Cultural Issues
Today we’re featuring a guest post by Dan Darling, Vice President for Communications at the ERLC. We at B21 are thankful for the ERLC’s leadership equipping the SBC on issues in the public square. And if you haven’t already, check out the upcoming ERLC National Conference where they have a killer lineup of speakers who will be specifically looking to prepare us for …