We at B21 have heard from many pastors and leaders within the SBC about the increasing complexities and challenges in Christian life and ministry and the decreasing ability to have candid conversations about those issues. It is for that reason that we are so excited every year to host our annual panel over Tuesday lunch break at the SBC. …
B21 Panel Video SBC 2016
At this year’s momentous SBC in St. Louis, B21 gathered key leaders in evangelicalism–J. D. Greear, Danny Akin, David Platt, Albert Mohler, Matt Chandler, Russell Moore–to discuss pressing issues in the SBC and evangelicalism as a whole. B21’s own Jon Akin moderates this year’s panel that touches on issues such as the decline of the American church, racism and …
Dr. Russell Moore, Muslims and Religious Liberty at the SBC 2016
The SBC 2016 in St. Louis brought many memorable moments. One of which came when Dr. Russell Moore, President of the ERLC–the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention–fielded a question on “how in the world” Baptists could support the religious freedom of Muslims to build mosques in the US. A sad reality of the SBC is that our convention carries in …