Beginning today, on Mondays, Baptist21 will highlight a weekly sermon. It is our hope to expose our readers to faithful expositors and faithful exposition. Many of these featured sermons will come from pastors’ connected to Baptist21, the Pillar Network, and the larger SBC. Please consider adding our “Message Mondays” to your weekly routine! This Week’s Sermon Name: Pastor Eric Bancroft Eric …
Introducing #OneforSeven
What difference can one dollar make? Well, one dollar a week from each active Southern Baptist could double the number of IMB missionaries on the field. Our friends at Brainerd Baptist Church and the IMB have just recently rolled out a new initiative called ONEforSEVEN. This initiative encourages each Southern Baptist to give an additional dollar per week to the …
Platt’s Departure from the IMB: Great Things Behind and Before
Jaclyn S. Parrish worked as a writer for the International Mission Board in South Asia. She currently serves in the United States as a writer, editor, and social media associate for the IMB. You can follow her on Twitter at @JaclynSParrish. I think I sat in my car for a solid twenty minutes. Shoulders hunched. Head hanging. I’d come to …
Why I Am Hopeful, Confident, and Excited for the Future of the IMB
Perhaps I am just a naive and idealistic millennial, but I remain hopeful and excited for the future of the IMB. Without a doubt, yesterday was a heavy day for Southern Baptists and for the International Mission Board (IMB). IMB President, Dr. David Platt announced that he has asked IMB Trustees to begin a search for his successor as President …
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