Every night of December my wife and I gather around the Christmas tree with our toddlers to read Old Testament passages of Scripture and then to proclaim Christ from them. We put a new ornament on our tree every night as a symbol of the Old Testament promises fulfilled in Jesus. Our children can look to the ornament with …
Read The Bible Like A Mystery Novel
When I talk with pastors about Christ-centered interpretation and preaching, I’m often told, “I resonate with what you’re saying, but I don’t know how to do it. I was never trained to read the Bible or preach it like that. How can I do it?” Obviously the answer to that question is complex and takes time, but there is …
The Jungle Book and the Gospel
I’ve been told before that I can be too “Jesus-y” because I think the whole Bible – every part of it – points to Jesus. So yes, I’m the crazy guy who sees Jesus “under every rock.” But the truth is that I’m even crazier than that. I don’t just think this about the whole Bible; I also think the …