It is our hope, at b21, that many will attend the Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville. And we especially want to encourage more and more younger SBC’ers to attend the SBC (we hope to blog about this soon). B21 believes there are many compelling features and events at this upcoming SBC that should entice many to come. For instance, the …
Generational Issues and the SBC: Panel Q&A (video)
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary recently held a panel discussion on the topic of the Generational Divide in the SBC. The panel consisted of Danny Akin, JD Greear, David Nelson, and Nathan Finn. This panel discussion covers some very important topics. This panel discussion may be seen as quite controversial, but it is a must view. Some of the topics included: …
Advance ’09: The Resurgence of the Local Church
A topic of great love to b21 is the Primacy of the Local Church. We will write much about this in our vision series (“SBC21“) that is ongoing. A conference that will highlight this topic and feature world-renown speakers will be held in Durham, NC. We at b21 encourage you to attend and think this conference will be of great …
SBC21: The Duties and Dangers of This Present Hour — Part 2
This series will be divided into three sections with many posts in each section. Each section will be offered with biblical, theological consideration. The first section will touch on our past. There are many things from our SBC history and heritage that we are grateful for and have learned much from. We are indebted to godly men and women who …
Why Are Churches Leaving the SBC?
With a decline in baptisms and membership in Southern Baptist Churches for the third consecutive year, many are asking the question, “Where is everyone going?” Some suggest that the strong leaders of the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s are dying without a strong legacy behind them to take the reigns. Others suggest 20 something’s do not really care and are leaving …