This series has focused on the reflections of those that attended the annual Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Those that have graciously given of their time to help us reflect on the SBC have been: Jarrett Stephens (Associate Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church and a speaker for the GCR Task Force Motion) Aaron Coe (Pastor of the Gallery Church, …
SBC Reflections Interview Series:Part 3 – Jay Hardwick
Jay Hardwick is Lead Pastor of Awaken Church, a soon to be launched church plant in Columbia, SC. He holds a M.Div. in Missions, Evangelism, and Church Growth from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and a Bachelor of Arts from North Greenville University in Tigerville, SC. In addition to leading Awaken, Jay helps lead and facilitate a …
At This Year’s SBC: 9 Marks @ 9
It is our hope, at b21, that many will attend the Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville. And we especially want to encourage more and more younger SBC’ers to attend the SBC (we hope to blog about this soon). B21 believes there are many compelling features and events at this upcoming SBC that should entice many to come. For instance, the …