Specificity: A Recipe for a GCR or Destruction? – Part 1

Kids are cute. Watching and helping them develop is, at times, hilarious. Our 2 year old son, Josiah, is saying more and more everyday. Most recently, in regards to his 9 month old sister Susannah, he has started saying that he “wuv’s sissy.” Each verbal affirmation is accompanied by a soft pat to Susannah’s back. Good times. Although Josiah now …

Clear as Mud: GCR Discussions (Part 2)

The GCR and the Need for Clarity Reeves is certainly right, GCR discussions are quite muddy. And there doesn’t seem to be any signs that things will change. So, where do we go from here? This answer, of course, is complicated. But, to throw in our two cents, we’ll offer one suggestion. We think that the conversation will only advance …

Clear as Mud: GCR Discussions (Part 1)

At the last SBC, 95% of Southern Baptists in attendance voted in favor of having a presidential appointed GCR task force. It was an exciting day by all accounts. Over the past several months many of us have followed with excitement and prayed with hope, as the GCR task force carried out its weighty task. Exactly what they’ll report and …

2009 Top 10 SBC Stories and Events

1. Missionary Work Overseas – It’s hard to imagine what it’d be like to grow up amongst a people and die without ever hearing the gospel. Yet, there are large numbers of peoples who still find themselves in this situation. That’s one of the key reasons that Southern Baptists continue to pool their monies and people together in order to …

Urban Church Planting: Poor Planters or Prioritize Planting?

Cities are so fascinating. Each one stands so uniquely with its own strengths and weaknesses. My recent travels have taken me to some of our nation’s largest urban centers. Without exception, I’m always struck by two things: the mass of people populating cities and the lack of churches reaching them. Fortunately, it seems, more believers are focusing their gospel energy …

SBC 2009 Highlights and Further Discussion

  This year’s Southern Baptist Convention caused great excitement for many Southern Baptists. While a few of the usual absurdities were present, the convention showcased greater theological depth, greater passion for missions, and greater unity in diversity. I’ll offer eight highlights and some links to similar efforts. 1. The Great Commission Resurgence – Over the past several months, Pastor Johnny …

Free HCSB for B21 Panel Attendees!!

  The good folks at B & H Publishing have graciously offered to send a free HCSB to those B21 attendees who did not receive one. Although 450 people signed up to attend the event, over 600 people showed up! With a limited number of Bibles to give away, there were some who did not walk away with a free …

B21 Panel Bio: R. Albert Mohler., Jr.

The Baptist 21 blog attempts to point its readers towards the great Southern Baptist efforts of the past and present, with hopes of a more faithful and fruitful future. Anyone familiar with Southern Baptist history or church history in general knows that in order for this to come about the church needs Christ-centered men with strong backbones, clear minds, and …

Great Commission Filing for Bankruptcy?

Jimmy was one of the craziest country boys I’ve ever known. Whether riding his horse full speed into ponds, fighting, or jumping off query cliffs, for good or for ill, he has always been willing to make things happen. Several years ago, Jimmy became a Christian, steadily growing ever since. The last couple of years he’s actually served as a …