By Jed Coppenger It’s not loving to create laws that promote falsehoods, confusion, discrimination, and harm, while reducing the institutions that help people flourish the most. That’s why, out of love for all people, including the LGBTQ+ community, I’m praying against the Respect for Marriage Act. I know this isn’t a popular position in our culture or, most likely, a …
The SBC, Complementarianism, the Office of Pastor, & the Way Forward?
By Nate Akin February 10, 2021, I posted a twitter thread about “pastors/complementarianism” due to the amount of conversation I was observing on Social Media (SM) around the topic. This thread preceded both SBC 2021, SBC 2022, and the whole dust up with Rick Warren including the revelation that he was ordaining women as “pastors” but not “elders.” Almost two years later, …
Nebuchadnezzar U.
By Heath Thomas Although universities should help us understand what it means to live a meaningful life in our day, unfortunately they too often create confusion instead of clarity. Sadly, many of our young leaders are equipped to answer all the wrong questions and miss the right ones on our campuses. What are we to do? We can respond in …
What to Do When Depression and Ministry Overlap
By Dr. Mark Dance, GuideStone Director of Pastoral Wellness After pastoring in a fog of clinical depression for several months, I came very close to walking away from the church I was pastoring — and the ministry altogether. I had been pastoring for 22 years at the time and was burned out and fed up — mostly with myself. At …
University Education with a Soul
By Heath A. Thomas The American university lost its soul, and we need to find it again. University education is a beautiful, noble, formative and helpful endeavor. At its best, university education is transformative: it effects change in people. But the question is…what do they become? We may see graduates who can land a job and make money, but all too often, …
6 Ways Social Media Impacts Your Ministry and How to Steward It Well
By John Murphy, GuideStone Managing Director of Insurance Sales Social media has fundamentally changed the way we communicate with one another. Thoughts are broadcast to followers in a matter of seconds, generating quick public criticism or praise. Posts can be as entertaining as your latest vacation snapshot, as boring as your dinner plate and as controversial as the politics of …
Roe Vs. Wade Overturned
After 50 years and 63+ million babies aborted, Roe vs. Wade has been overturned and the federal government no longer recognizes abortion as a constitutional right in America. We praise the Lord for this! We are living in a truly historic time. We are now living on the backside of a law that was in existence for almost 50 years. …
Baptist21’s Guide to SBC 2022
Just like last year, B21 is providing a comprehensive guide for all things related to the SBC Annual Meeting! Additionally, we have several helpful podcasts you can listen to on your way to Anaheim so you’ll be prepared to take part in the Convention when you make it to the Golden State. B21’s Guide to the Annual Meeting Program – Check out …
Never Forsaken: How God Answered a Widow’s Prayer with Mission:Dignity
By Dr. Aaron Meraz, Director of Mission:Dignity at GuideStone You are an answer to a widow’s prayers! Jeanetta Watson served with her husband, Wendell, in Oklahoma and Texas for 45 years. Wendell, a bi-vocational pastor, always pastored small churches that could not pay a full-time minister. Some of the jobs he worked to supplement his pastoral income included selling insurance, …
Making Scripture Memorization a Part of Your Disciplined Life
Why Memorize Whole Chapters and Books of the Bible? by Andrew Davis on April 19, 2022 Recently I have begun a discipleship book with a man in our church. The book is a classic by R. Kent Hughes entitled Disciplines Of A Godly Man. He begins by making a strong case for the essential role of discipline in the Christian life. …